The term "disk space" may also be identified as "disk quota" or "data storage", yet all these words mean exactly the same thing - the amount of information that you'll be able to upload to a shared hosting account. The overall size of the things you have is estimated by accumulating the space taken by the overall content within the account, the most obvious being the data files you upload. Two more things are usually overlooked by a lot of end users, though - e-mail messages as well as databases. Larger attachments or databases of larger script-driven websites will often take a lot of disk space as well. To use a more familiar analogy, the hard disk space of your computer is used not only by files that you download, but additionally by docs you write plus programs you add. In a similar way, a number of things are counted for the hard disk space your information takes on a web site hosting server, in addition to the uploads.
Disk Space in Shared Hosting
We have developed our shared plans with the idea that the disk storage will not be a problem for your websites. While many web hosting suppliers produce accounts using a single server, and in fact, the most common Control Panels are made to operate solely on such a platform, we've used an alternative strategy. We have clusters of servers that manage every part of the website hosting service, so your files will be stored on one cluster, your email on another one,the databases on a third one, and so on. On this cloud platform we achieve a few things - the hdd space is actually limitless for the reason that we can easily link as many servers and hard disks to our clusters as required, and we enhance the effectiveness of each machine because just a single type of system processes will operate on it. This custom setup will allow you to extend your websites as you see fit without worrying about not having enough disk storage.
Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Servers
All of our semi-dedicated server packages have "disk space" as a feature only to lay emphasis on that it is truly unrestricted. We're able to achieve that with the use of an innovative, in-house built cloud hosting system, where your databases, files and emails will be located on separate clusters of servers. We will add more HDDs or entire servers to any of the clusters and whenever needed, and our web hosting Control Panel is designed to support such a system. In contrast, nearly all Control Panels on the website hosting market can function only on one server, and irrespective of what lots of companies advertise, they actually generate multiple accounts on a single machine. By using a semi-dedicated server package through our company, you will never have to concern yourself with disk storage limits and you will be able to give full attention to expanding your sites.
Disk Space in VPS Servers
With all of our VPS web hosting plans, we provide plenty of disk storage for your content that matches the rest of the server capabilities, which means that a more expensive package features a higher allowance. You'll be able to use the space as you see fit, as there are no particular quotas for the site files, databases or emails - they all share the overall hdd space of your server. However, in case you'd rather have some limitations, you're able to buy your VPS package with cPanel or DirectAdmin as the hosting Control Panel, then you can set up hosting accounts with a restricted amount of disk storage for every individual domain name that you host on the server. If you'd like to have additional storage space at some time, you can easily update your package with a couple of clicks and then the extra features will be added to your current account, so you won't be required to migrate anything and your web sites will stay operational.
Disk Space in Dedicated Servers
The minimum amount of disk storage that you can get when you use our dedicated servers is 500 GB. You will have 2 separate hard disks, 250 GB each, and it is up to you the best way you'll utilize this storage. You may have the drives in RAID, so that your content will be secured as one of the drives will function as a real-time mirror of the other, or you can make them work on their own, to use the overall storage potential that'll be at your disposal. The hard disk space of all our dedicated web hosting plans is enough for everything - major virtual stores, file depository portal, individual archive clone, and many other things. We'll never restrain your websites in terms of the storage space they need. In case that they start expanding, we offer you the option to add additional HDDs to your current server as needed. When you obtain the server with DirectAdmin or cPanel for the hosting Control Panel, you can also set up an independent account for each and every hosted domain name and set a specific disk storage space quota for it. When you use Hepsia all of the domain names will be hosted in one place and they'll share the full server storage.